Tracking of the indicators of the physical fitness related to the health in school / Tracking dos indicadores da aptidão fisica relacionada a saude em escolares




The aim of this study was to analyze the tracking of the indicators of health-related the physical fitness in scholars of both gender starting from an assessment for criterion reference for four years of follow-up. A mixed longitudinal design was adopted, with four cohorts of the year from birth (1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995), with scholars from seven to 10 years of age in the initial moment, assessment annually in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005, with five overlapping of age (8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 years). So much, in the initial moment (M1) they were appraised 510 school (267 boys and 243 girls), in the age group between seven and 10 years of age. After the fours years of attendance (M2) was a dropout of 26%, verified concluding the study with 375 school (197 boys and 178 girls). Measure anthropometrics of body mass, stature and skinfold thickness of the area triceps and subscapular were obtained for the determination of the index of body mass (BMI) and of the sum of skinfolds thickness (SF). A battery with three tests motors was applied: to sitand- reach test, sit-up test and run/walk test, in agreement with reference of health proposed by Physical Best (1988) and the subjects were classified in assists to the criterion (AC) and no assist to the criterion (NC). Initially, the normality of the data was verified by the application of the test of Kolmogorov-Sirminov. For characteristic of the sample it was through descriptive procedures. For the comparisons between M1 and M2 the test of Wilcoxon was used. Tables of percentile frequencies were established for observations of the indicators references. Regarding the comparison among proportions the test of McNemar was adopted. To verify the tracking in the different points in the time of the information the coefficient of correlation intraclass it was adopted (ICC) with observation of the coefficient intervals (95% CIs) and tables of contingency 2x2 were built in agreement with the points of established cuts. Was the agreement index calculated through the plots of Blant and Altman and of the Kappa (k). The level of adopted significance of 5%. The ICC of the components of health-related fitness moderated oscillating among 0,40-0,58 for sit-ups and run/walk and loud for too much variables [0,63-0,93] (P <0,05). The % of the tracking it was of 65% of the subjects stayed in the same category AC (39%) and NC (26%) for sum of SF and of 85% for the group of motor tests (GMT). did Only 10% and 0% change of not assist for assists to the criterion for sum SF and GMT while 25% and 15% respectively changed of assists for not assist to the criterion. The force of the tracking was moderated being between 30% and 53% (P <0,001). Between the childhood and adolescence it was verified that the components of health-related fitness presented a moderate tracking the high, indicating maintenance of the relative position of the subjects in the breast of the group, being by force of the tracking classified as moderate.


saude health longitudinal study schools antropometria aptidão fisica em crianças tracking physical fitness

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