Tornar-se professor: um estudo sobre professores leigos amazônidas / Becoming a teacher: a study on amazonian lay teachers




This study had as a starting point the pedagogical practice of Amazonian teachers who lived on the banks of the rivers or in the forest and who started working in the condition of lay teachers. Some of them had not even completed their first four years of elementary school. Some had not themselves even reached the level of schooling they were teaching at. It caught my attention, in their practice, the authority they invested themselves with, as they took over their positions as teachers in spite of their incomplete or deficient educational background made worse by their extremely adverse conditions of working, in schools built on stilts on the banks of the river, or in straw shacks in the forest, with multi-level classes. Willing to understand how such a pedagogical practice is possible, I set as the objective of my research project to understand how someone becomes a teacher apart from the official system of schooling and certification, that is, what resources entitle and legitimate a lay teacher to occupy the teaching position. In order to achieve that objective, I analyzed compositions (under the title How did I become a teacher?), written by sixteen teachers who started working as lay teachers, in which they tell about and interpret the path they followed in their teaching careers. I drew on discourse analysis as proposed by Marlene Guirado: an institutional discourse reading. This type of analysis deals with the way the effects of recognition and ignorance take place in individual discourses, in institutional practices. At the same time I adopted the concept of transference to understand how, as they reconstructed their professional career, the teachers constructed meanings related to their personal histories, to teachers who represented key roles in their lives, to school as an institution, and to modern pedagogy (the prevailing discursive practice from where all this network of meanings was possible in the compositions). The analysis of the compositions showed that becoming a teacher means constructing, repeating, (re)producing, in a particular way, an institutional discursive practice that is in itself the resource which entitles the teacher, including the lay teacher, to take over the position of the one who teaches. At the end of the study it was also possible to assume that those resources are not restricted to lay teaching. The results allow us to state that, in general, becoming a teacher is taking over the position of the one who teaches, a position that comes to existence just as the subject expresses himself or herself within it. I conclude this dissertation arguing that lay teaching consists in a discontinuity in modern pedagogy discourse, in spite of, paradoxically, being part of it.


lay teachers professores leigos subjetividade discourse analysis psicanálise e educação subjectivity análise do discurso pedagogia formação de professores pedagogy psychoanalysis and education teacher education

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