Tornar-se mãe de um bebê prematuro na adolescência : uma condição de dupla imaturidade


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study investigates the experience of giving birth to a premature baby in adolescence, specifically examining the relationship the adolescent mother establishes with the premature baby during its hospital internment. Four adolescent mothers between 17 and 18 years old took part in the research. They gave birth to their premature babies in two different public hospitals of Porto Alegre and were interviewed at three moments of the babies internment in the NICU (about 15 days after the babies were born, a week after this first contact and right before the babies hospital discharge). The results pointed to a sum of simultaneous crisis, such as adolescence, motherhood and prematurity, which represented a major impact at this time of transition for adolescents. For some mothers it was easy to recover from the initial shock caused by the premature birth of their babies, and this fact is related to variations in the degree of individual development as well as to the different modes of psychic functioning of each one of them. Furthermore, some typical aspects of adolescence were shown, even though the adolescents were demanded to interrupt their process of being adolescents to take care of a premature baby in NICU. Thus, it was possible to notice that there were different times that marked the transition to motherhood: the time of NICU, the babies and the adolescents time, which were very distinct from each other, showing specific characteristics. Other studies should be conducted in this specific area, since the medium and long term effects of this kind of transition to motherhood, regarding the adolescent mother and the baby, are not known. It is expected that this study contributes to better understanding the specificities of adolescent mothers in the NICU.


adolescent mother maternidade premature baby nascimento prematuro immaturity bebê

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