Tornar-se aluno(a) indígena: A etnografia da escola Guarani Mbya na aldeia Nova Jacundá


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation investigates the teaching and learning process and the pedagogical practices of Guarani Mbya child from Nova Jacundá, in the southeast of Pará. Its intent is to comprehend what is to becoming/become (Toren 2004) an indigenous student. The child will be taken as a social actor who is active and a culture producer (Cohn 2005), and we took the school as the place where child become students, like the practice of autopoietic (Toren 1999), therefore, a place which produces meaning to their world. So, my ethnography intents to comprehend how these child produce meaning in the school context and, as indigenous students, how they take the school as a frontier place (Tassinari 2001) where the knowledge is articulated, and the Guarani Mbya way of being and their teaching practices with the knowledge and the pedagogical methods. This ethnography of a Guarani Mbya school will contribute to the comprehension of meaning assigned by child going to school, place where are created new forms of knowledge construction indigenous and non-indigenous in new relations, beyond of those made in their own Guarani learning process.


antropologia Índios guarani antropologia da criança educação escolar antropologia guarani mbya anthropology of children schoolar education

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