Therapeutic groups in the context of a health institution: the relationship between intersubjectivity and intrapsychic in the psychoanalysis / Grupos terapêuticos em instituição de saúde: a relação entre a intersubjetividade e o intrapsíquico na psicanálise




This work presents the results of an inquiry on the clinic services in the context of a health institution. Its aim is to research the theoretical basis of the therapeutic groups, analyse and explicit the factors that establish the group as a field of therapeutic intervention through the study of these groups, specifically the therapeutic ones.The research is founded on the psychoanalytical referential whose object of study is the unconscious where the clinical axis is supported on the transfer concept.The fundamental theoretical axis is the constitution of the subjectivity and its relationship with intersubjectivity, concepts embodied in a longitudinal study of the Freudian thinking. Another axis is the clarifying of the epistemological sources of the groups, specifically those of the psycoanalytical science, focused through the contemporary authors, seeking the comprehension of the notion of intersubjectivity and group phenomena. The theoretical content developed is illustrated by data extracted from cut-outs of clinic materials collected in the day-to-day practice of the therapeutical teams of the State Public Hospital “Francisco Morato de Oliveira”.This study demonstrates that the relationship of the psychic subject with the other may bring on intrapsychic changes that contribute to the treatment of the human suffering.


grupos subjectivity psychoanalysis psicanálise subjetividade groups

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