Theory and computer modelling of Alfvén wave heating in TCABR Tokamak / "Teoria e modelamento computacional de aquecimento de plasma por ondas de alfvén no tokamak TCABR"




In this work we present the study of the determination the best regimes and parameters¶for the heating experiments and current generation and plasma flow in the tokamak TCABR. Study of effects of plasma rotation in low frequency (LF), field penetration, absorption and ponderomotive forces in “Tokamak Chauffage Alfvén Brésilien” (TCABR)is investigated with emphasis in the frequency range of 0, 5–10, 0kHz. The fields of LF are driven by the ergodic magnetic limiter (EML) in TCABR. A qualitative analytical study of the Alfvén waves and their resonances is performed using simple models. A numeric study was carried out using through three codes, called the kinetic totoidal code, the cylindrical code and the ALTOK code.


reatores nucleares de fusão magneto hidrodinamics - mhd física de plasmas fusion reactor nuclear magnetohidrodinâmica - mhd gas discharge descarga gasosa tokamaks plasma physics tokamaks

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