The utilization of the LMS Moodle: analytics of the pedagogic action in on-site college courses / Utilização do LMS Moodle: análise da ação pedagógica em cursos de graduação presencial




This summary dissertation is a result of the Master in Education Program, research line 2 Pedagogic Development and Training of the Teaching Professional, of the Oeste Paulista University. The investigative object of this research was the analytics of the pedagogic practice used by teachers of college, in the Moodle platform. For the theoretical foundation, authors that foster collaborative learning cultures centered in the freirean pedagogy were used. The methodology was related to the exploratory qualitative investigation, aiming to analyze the on-site education characteristics, in a digital learning environment. Data collection was based on observations with access in the Moodle platform by internet, tracking how a group of five teachers of college used this resource as a complement on-site class. The results showed that teachers look for the tool to materials management and significant instructional resource. It was also verified the no use of tool in collaborative or innovatory practices. As a result, the research indicates that is teachers competence the challenge to perform his pedagogic practice to build a participative, interactive, dialogic, search environment that exceed the focused teacher model.


sistemas de informação gerencial ensino superior educação educacao teaching-learning prática de ensino virtual environment educação e informática college pedagogic action

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