"The use of the expressive power of new media by retail banks: a study of three cases" / "O uso do potencial expressivo da nova mídia pelos bancos de varejo: estudo de três casos"




The advent of digital technologies and the diffusion of the world wide web (www) have expanded the boundaries of massive communication activities towards a wide range of new players, much beyond the traditional media sector. Within this context, despite the existence of a recent, prolific literature diagnosing the use of new media resources by the traditional media sector, such analyses have not been developed yet for the range of newly appeared players, among which the Brazilian banking sector occupies a position of prominence due to its historically demonstrated technological vocation. Therefore, the dissertation is focused on studying how the banking institutions in Brazil, and especially those operating in the retail banking segment, perform their tasks as new media publishers.


arquitetura da informação retail banking varejo bancário information architecture narrative new media narrativa usability usabilidade nova mídia

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