The tropical treatment on leg chronic ulcer with platelet rich plasma: a systematic review / Terapia tópica de úlceras crônicas de perna com plasma rico em plaquetas - PRP: revisão sistemática da literatura




The wound topical treatment stimulates an effective, fast and safe wound healing. The platelet rich plasma (PRP) – a concentrated of platelets obtained from centrifugation or single apheresis, has been used as the treatment of wounds because it contains platelet derived growth factor. Being a new therapy, the aim of this study is to show some evidence about the effectiveness of PRP on the healing of chronic wound leg. To this test, a systematic review was conducted, as the recommendation of the Cochrane Library. The studies were screened until 2006 using some key words: platelet rich plasma, platelet derived growth factor, platelet gel, platelet releasate, platelet lysate, CT-102 activated supernatant, wound healing, chronic wound, foot ulcer, diabetic foot, and varicose ulcer; with different combinations, according to data base (Cochrane, PubMed, Lilacs, Embase e Cinahal). From 56 studies, 18 were clinical trials, specially found in PubMed (17 / 94,5%), originated in USA (12 / 66,6%) and published in English. Seven (39%) were clinical trials randomized , classified as a strong recommendation (A) with high evidence level. The meta-analysis of these randomized trials, shows the PRP promotion in wound healing (CI 95% 1,84-7,41), mainly in diabetic ulcer (CI 95% 2,70-41,40). To sum up, this study provides a scientific evidence on repair of chronic wound leg, mainly diabetic ulcer, using PRP


plasma rico em plaquetas diabetic foot Úlcera diabética pé diabético wound healing cicatrização de feridas fator de crescimento derivado de plaquetas diabetic ulcer platelet rich plasma platelet derived growth factor

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