The student-teacher link at the present time: a psychological study with university students / Vínculo aluno-professor na atualidade: um estudo psicológico com universitários




The purpose of this study was to investigate the student-teacher bonds nowadays and it was held with a reflection group made up of university students. The interest for this survey came from the researchers know-how as a professor and her noticing the interference of these bonds in the students lives, personal identification, individual choices, and professional goals. In other words, this work deals about the psychological phenomena that permeate the student-teacher relationship, as well as its influence in the students lives. The participants, whose ages vary from 20 to 40, are sophomore pedagogy graduation students at a university in the state of São Paulo. For the development of this study, the Reflection Group technique was used, as well as the theoretical reference point of the Psycho-dynamic Psychology and of the Group Psychotherapies with an Analytical support. A qualitative analysis was carried out, which disclosed the psychological phenomena that percolate the student- teacher interchange. The participants looked back into their past and their first relations with both their parents and their teachers, in order to understand the established bonds with their present professors. The group experience revealed not only the expression but also the form in which the bonds are established both through the eye and the students understanding. Despite all the changes that have occured in the communication and relationship fields, it showed that the teacher still ranks high in the students pychological world, wich determines the links in the present time.


university students psicologia universitários vínculo aluno-professor student-teacher link

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