The South of Mozambique and the anthropology s history: the life in a South African tribe, by Henry Junod / O sul de Moçambique e a historia da antropologia : os usos e costumes dos bantos, de Henri Junod




The object of this research is the work Ufe in a $outh African Tribe, wrote in 1913 by the Swiss missionary and ethnographer Henri Junod (1863-1934). His ethnographic work in the south of Mozambique, particularly with the costumes study of what had been named "tsonga" group, had relevance in several themes in the anthropological debate. However, the anthropological historiography restricted itself, mostly, to Junod s argument about kinship and social evolution exposed through the Radcliffe-Brown s basilar article "The mother s brother in South Africa". In this research, it was explored others ethnographical contributions of Junod, found through a detail reading of Ufe in a South African Tribe. Other texts was used too, inclusively others versions of the work in question, with the objective of deepening in the author s ideas. In this matter, this dissertation presents Junod s contributions in themes as lineage, rites of passage, systems of n:arriage and the relation between social norm and behavior. Also, it was possible to present a brief study of the Junod s trajectory and its relation with his work. The Radcliffe-Brown s vision about Junod s ideas located him in the evolutionary matrix. However, with this research, it was demonstrated that others elements, that had been obscured until now, relates Junod to the growing current of the social anthropology


bantus bantos - vida e costumes sociais antropologia - historia history african colonies social life and customs anthropology african anthropology africa - colonias

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