The rural extension in the Foundation ITESP : paths and setbacks ways of teaching and learning / A extensão rural na Fundação ITESP : caminhos do ensino aprendizagem




This study examines the limits of action of the State on actions of ATER in the sustainable development of settlements of landless rural workers, made by ITESP in the State of São Paulo, from 1980. The work deals with training and development of an institutional apparatus of state, where the ITESP, the actions of ATER - Technical Assistance and Rural Extension, as public policy responsible for the development of settlements of rural workers. It presents the aspects and stages of development of settlements of rural workers. It presents an overview on the Extension Rural, their stages in Brazil and developed by them and correlating ITESP out an analysis on the pedagogical aspects of education - learning. Finally provides an analysis of the limits of action of the State and its implications ( paths and setback ) on the actions of the ATER s ITESP and sustainable development of settlements and the possibilities of action in small holder agriculture


extensão rural agricultura familiar assentamentos rurais development sustainable desenvolvimento sustentável rural extension family farms rural settlements

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