The process of restructuralization in middle cities in the western São Paulo: Araçatuba, Birigui, Presidente Prudente, Marília, São José do Rio Preto / O processo de reestruturação produtiva em cidades médias do oeste paulista: Araçatuba, Birigui, Marília, Presidente Prudente e São José do Rio Preto




This thesis approaches the indexes of productive restructuralization in middle cities in the western São Paulo (Araçatuba, Birigui, Presidente Prudente, Marília, e São José do Rio Preto). We aim at analyzing the changes occurred in the administration and organization of the productive process, as well as the work, according to the size of these industries placed in the above-mentioned cities and their repercussions to the work conditions. The industry of these cities have its genesis in the local capital of family origins, maintaining a strict relation with the agropecuary dynamics until suffering deep changes, due to the productive restructuralization, particularly after the 1990s with the economic opening. These transformations happened to cause alterations in the regional productive structure as new and more technological industrial areas arose, such as the chemistry of pharmaceutical products. The industrial transformations in the administration and organization of the productive and work process show different levels of intensity, as a result of the recent industrial restructuralization itself. Thus, the bigger the industry, the bigger its intensity of transformation. Such transformations entail alterations in the work conditions, as the growth of informal, outsourced, temporary and autonomous work.


industrial transformations; middle cities; productive restructuralization; western são paulo cidades médias; oeste paulista; reestruturação produtiva; transformações industriais

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