The presence of the suffix -ismo in grammars of portuguese language and its coverage of semantic values, from the Dictionary of Portuguese Language Antônio Houaiss / A presença do sufixo -ismo nas gramáticas da língua portuguesa e sua abrangência dos valores semânticos, a partir do Dicionário de Língua Portuguesa Antônio Houaiss




The objective of this research is to understand, by means of a diachronic study, the semantic diversity of the suffix ism and to evaluate the formation of various types of words, working with the etymological information found in the Houaiss dictionary. In order to understand better the suffix ism, its origin and uses in Greek were observed. Attention was given to the transition from Greek to Latin and the process by which words in these languages were formed. The presence of Latin words of Greek origin, either transliterated or of Latin formation, were considered, even if the ism suffix was not found in the grammars of these languages. The transfer of the ism suffix to the Portuguese language is an established fact. However, the study of the suffix ism does not appear in the first Portuguese language grammars. For this reason, Portuguese grammars, starting with Fernão de Oliveira, were analyzed. It was shown that the first Portuguese grammar to study the suffix ism was that of Julio Ribeiro. Noting that this grammar was produced before the beginning date of structuralism, the affirmations of Humboldt were verified, showing that even before Ferdinand de Saussures work, Curso de lingüística geral, there were already structuralist ideas which influenced Julio Ribeiro. Using a group of two thousand, three hundred and forty-three (2,343) words, the etymology of each was analyzed, consulting dictionaries in Greek, Latin, Spanish, English, Italian and French, and comparing them with the information found in Houaiss. In addition, the date of the words formed with the suffix ism, presented in Houaiss, was contrasted with words found on the site O Corpus do Português. It was concluded that the suffix ism presents a semantic diversity acquired in its diachronic trajectory, forming nouns from nouns, nouns from adjectives and nouns from verbs.


derivative suffixes gramática historical morphology semântica morfologia histórica grammar derivação sufixos derivativos derivation semantics

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