The mental disorder in adolescence and family living together - parents report. / O transtorno mental na adolescência e o convívio familiar - relato dos pais.




The aim of this research was to analyze the mentally sick adolescent’s acquaintance with his family through the parents report. Semi-structured interviews with the adolescents’ parents who have been treated in the ambulatory of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Service of HCFMUSP (SEPIA) were done, from March to May, 2006. Five mothers and three fathers participated. The content analysis was used, electing for this research the thematic analysis according to MINAYO. Five categories were identified: “Feelings begot in the family at the moment of the diagnostic “; Changes in the family and social relationship living together with the mental disease”; “Feelings that emerged when living together with the mental disorder”; Faithlessness to the treatment”; “Walk from the unknown to the knowledge”. It became evident that parents have difficulty in accepting the mental disorder diagnostic in one of their children. This presence created modification in the family dynamic bringing changes not only to the core of the living together family, but affecting the other components of the family. The relationship in the social area also suffered modifications, especially with teachers and neighborhood. The knowledge about this disease brought a better acceptation. This shows, one more time, that families are poorly informed and supported by the health team that takes care of their children. Despite the fact the current mental health model praises also an attending for the family, this still happens in a shy way in certain places, the family is considered only as a source of information. The comprehension of what the family experiments during the journey in the mental disease stood out in this research showed the necessity of health educational programs, so that they can face their difficulties safely. This study helped understand a little the adolescents and family’s world, emphasizing the importance of the Nurse professional in his educational role. Based on the results of this and other researches, it is suggested the establishment of an open educational program as an efficient co adjuvant resource to clear out the lack of knowledge and orientation. This is a display of the present research, tying together : teaching, research and assistance.


mental disease saúde mental adolescente adolescent childish psychiatry doença mental mental health psiquiatria infantil família psychiatric nurse enfermagem psiquiátrica family

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