The insertion in the labor market of people with different disabilities in the state of Piaui / A inserção no mercado de trabalho de pessoas com diferentes niveís de deficiências no estado do Piauí




The intention of this work is to analyze the insertion in the market of work of people with different levels of deficiencies in the State of the Piauí. For this it used a Logit model of probability of work for people with declared difficulties of vision, hearing and locomotion in the following levels: i) some permanent difficulty, II) great permanent difficulty, and III) incapacity. The comparison base had been people whom they had declared not to have no difficulty, and the database used was the representative sample of the Census 2000 - IBGE for the state of the Piauí. It was proven that the probability of insertion in the work market increases with the level of declared difficulty, presenting a significant on-jump for the incapacity. Between the found deficiencies, it was observed that the relative difficulties of insertion in the market are lesser for the hearing when compared the vision and locomotion. Other results of insertion of the work market had been standards in literature as the importance of the education and the quadrática function of the age in the work probability. It is distinguished despite the act of receiving of transferences of the government showed to have a negative correlation with offers of work. This result in the context of the deficiency emphasizes that even so it is important the covering of the government the people with deficiency, is necessary that this does not generate adverse incentives for these people.


ciencias sociais aplicadas mercado de trabalho pessoas com deficiências insertion market of work inserção people with deficiencies

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