The increase of complexity in motor learning: effects of stabilization levels and performance channels / Aumento de complexidade na aprendizagem motora: efeitos dos níveis de estabilização e dos canais de desempenho




The purpose of this study was to investigate whether levels of stabilization achieved by the end of the acquisition process and performance channels modify the probability of occurrence of one of the two processes involved in the increase of complexity in motor learning - modularization and adaptation - when new components are inserted into the task already learned, and their influence on the learning of the task with new components. One hundred and fifty-three subjects of both sexes, between 10 and 13 years of age, performed a serial tracking task of luminous stimuli. The experiment consisted of two phases: stabilization and adaptation. Three groups were formed according to performance criteria to be achieved in the stabilization phase: three consecutive series of correct responses (group G_3C), a series of antecipatory responses (G_1A group) and three series of anticipatory responses (group G_3A) in a task with five stimuli. The adaptation phase, the same for all groups, took place until the achievement of a series of anticipatory responses in a task with six stimuli. The results showed the occurrence of both processes: adaptive and modularization, in 84% and 16% of the subjects, respectively. The subjects of G_1A and G_3A were afterwards divided into subgroups based on the interindividual stability of intra-individual change in the performance channels during the stabilization phase. Four groups were established: stable in the upper channel, stable in the lower channel, upward moving tendency, and oscillation groups. Based on the results of binary logistic regression analysis it was observed that the stable upper channel subgroup in consistency of the sequence in anticipatory responses is four times more likely to use the process of modularization in relation to the stable lower channel subgroup, when new components are inserted into the task already learned. It was also possible to identify that the subjects who used the process of modularization needed fewer attempts to learn the new task


intraindividual change processo adaptativo modularização adaptative process interindividual stability diferenças interindividuais modularity mudança intraindividual

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