The family in pieces: complainants of sexual violence against children and adolescents in Salvador - BA, a gender perspective. / A família em pedaços: denunciantes da violência sexual contra criança e adolescente em Salvador BA, uma perspectiva de gênero.




This studys proposal was to analyze the gender interference on the companions and complainants experience of children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse. The complaints and companions figure, women in its majority, represents the one that opts and decides over the intervention to be taken place such as its continuity. Generally the studies are focused in the mothers that silence, in a simplistic and biased way, seen as accomplices or negligent, with an analysis under one only optic without deepening in their experiences. On the perspective of giving visibility to issues such as the absence of a look towards subjectivity, to the persons and specially the womens every day, I have opted to guide myself on a feminist epistemology. The discussion was centered on the understanding that with the decision making in relation to what resources to operate after the abuse is revealed is cut by several contradictory feelings and anguishes. However, little or no reference is made to the fact that this decision is gendered. Since the space focus is restricted to Salvador, statistic data were used from three services that attend sexual abuse in this capitol, the CEDECA-Ba, the CREAS and VIVER. The primary data obtained through fifteen semi structured interviews, with the childrens attended by VIVER complainers and/or companions, allowed the qualitative analysis, having as categories Gender and Sexual Abuse. These complainers and companions experience in public services was used as an indicator of these categories. The results show to the need of studies about the option of silencing towards the discovery of sexual abuse. Demonstrates that still today most part of the institutions is guided by andocentric models of intervention, representing a obstacle factor to the womens access. Therefore its evidenced the profound gender mark in all the lived experiences by this researchs subjects. The way of signifying this episode is different to men and women that in turn look to them in a different way if the victimized child is male or female. The ambivalent experienced feelings experienced by these complainants are crossed by ideology and gender. Despite of all the hindering aspects on the decision of denouncing, the women are the ones that experience this trajectory in a lonely way experience.


sexual abuse ciencias sociais aplicadas criança violência sexual adolescents gender children adolescente denúncia denounce gênero

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