The families representation of the psychosocial rehabilitation of those with mental disorder in the context of the brazilian psychiatric reform / Reabilitação psicossocial de pessoas com transtorno mental no contexto da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira: representações das famílias




The focus of this study is the psychosocial rehabilitation of persons with mental disorders in the context of the Brazilian psychiatric reform. In order to gain insight into this reality, the study sought to perceive the familys representations which were produced from their daily experiences, dealing with substitutive services in mental health, and from the family member with the mental disorder, in the home, making explicit the existing conflicts and contradictions along with their implications in the practical care of psychosocial rehabilitation and health. The subjects were the care givers, being relatives, of those with severe, persistent mental disorder, who participated in the family therapeutic group of the Centers of Psycho-social Rehabilitation (CPR), in the city of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. The findings were collected through semi-structured interviews and diary field observation. The findings underwent discourse analysis with support in historical-dialectic materialism through which the thematic categories were extracted. We found that the families conceptions concerning mental disorder, still strongly associated with stigmatic signs, determined the manner in which they organized their daily life. These conceptions influenced the activities, the interpersonal relationships in the social, family context. They influenced the feelings and attitudes regarding the subject who carries the illness, as well as future expectations and perspectives regarding the improvement of the quality of life and the social inclusion of the individual suffering from the mental disorder, as well as of the family. The majority of these conceptions are latent with negative adjectives and acquire positive connotations only when there is a possibility of some secondary gain and when the cure of the mental disorder is represented by the return to normality and social adaptation


activities of daily living transtorno mental atividades cotidianas família rehabilitation family mental disorder reabilitação

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