The emergence of community gari: trajectories of life and work of a "new worker" within the space of the favela Morro do Andaraí / O surgimento do gari comunitário: trajetórias de vida e trabalho de um novo trabalhador dentro do espaço da favela do morro do Andaraí




This research intends to make a exploratory study about the Communitarian Street Cleaner Professional at Morro do Andaraí Community that works with garbage and his life trajectory. This activity as a laboratory was created by the Clean Slum Program (Clean Favela Program) of Rio de Janeiro City Hall through the Urban Cleaning Company of this City Hall (COMLURB) which is responsible by the public politics that executes the urban cleaning services of the city to be implemented in the slums/favelas of this city. This program was born upon the need of this company to solve the solid residual garbage problem very common in those considered poor living areas that until 1990s decade begin did not have a systematic and effective attendance in these areas because of the limitations to make these daily collections in accidental terrains and slopes and sometimes because of the violence that is present on these areas. The objective of this research is to analyze how the social experience in this job is characterized and how it is done throughout its life and work trajectory in the slum/favela until it gets to the formal worker condition through semi structured interviews done with the workers in a way that involves qualitative questions and that has as its investigative universe the meanings, reasons, aspirations, beliefs, values and actions of these individuals, expressed elements in a context of social structured relations in the work sphere and in their living places, the slum/favela. In being so this study reveals that the workers had an ascendant social trajectory since the moment (or during) they were inserted in a public politic of urban cleaning which is specific and focused to be executed in the slums/favelas, comparing their life story and trajectory in these places (social formation, unemployment, precarious jobs, social insecurity, social mobility). The life and work trajectory of a communitarian street cleaner professional is also crossed by a history of poorness, precariousness and economic difficulties inside a slum/favela context and precarious jobs experiences and of low qualification but that the actual position related to their parents trajectory shows a certain stability in their social and economic lives and in their jobs.


cidade/questão urbana política pública/trabalho trabalho com o lixo trajetória de vida servico social lixeiros morro do andaraí (rio de janeiro, rj) políticas públicas morro do andaraí (rio de janeiro, rj) public politics/work garbage and solid residues work with garbage life trajectory lixo e resíduos sólidos lixo eliminação morro do andaraí (rio de janeiro) city/urban question

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