The Doze Noturnos da Holanda, Cecilia Meireles, and the singularity of its parts as exercises spirituals / Os Doze Noturnos da Holanda, de Cecilia Meireles, e a singularidade de suas peças como exercicios espirituais




This master thesis presents a study on the book Twelve nocturnes of Holland, written by Cecília Meireles and first published in 1952. This book can be considered a hallmark of the poet s lyricism concerning the theme of journey, since in it coincide both imaginary journey and spatial motion. The book, written in 1951 in Holland, describes the journey of the lyric self and the character Night through a nocturnal atmosphere searching for totality and self-knowledge. The lyric journey is composed of twelve poems, which seem to form a cycle. There seems to be a progression in this cycle. The working hypothesis, thus, assumes that each poem constitutes a spiritual exercise that prepares the reader to the bigger image of the enchanted drowned, who lies on Amsterdam channels. The hypothesis is supported through the analytical study of the poems: "One", which describes both processes of introspection and of departure from earthly desires; "Two, which presents Night as a character; "Three", which emphasizes the journey through a nocturnal world and precarious modes of temporality; and "Twelve", which presents the beautiful body of the enchanted drowned


viagem spiritual exercises self-knowledge time autoconhecimento exercicios espirituais journey tempo

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