The Basel Convention´s and the destination of the industrial waste in Brazil / "A convenção de Basiléia e o destino dos resíduos industriais no Brasil"




The Basel Convention about movement control cross border of danger residues and your deposit it cames agree that definite organization mechanisms from movements cross border of solids residues and dangerous liquids and your last arrangement. The dangerous residues are material discarded that can place in risk the security of life. The Convention to reach its intention of existence allow to the previous and explicit concession of importation and exportation of the authorized residues between the countries that of it participate, in order to prevent the illicit traffic. Brazil through the Decree 1993 number 875 confirmed its permanence as integrant of the convention, thus inserting so the document in country. From now on, all the international trade of dangerous residues between Brazil and the exterior passed to be regulated. The industrial residues, considered dangerous constitute, in Brazil, ambient reason of concern of the authorities and agencies, either had to the amounts that come being generated, mainly as resulted of the raised industrial concentration in some regions of the country, either for the lack of installations and places adjusted for the treatment and destination. To describe and to argue the dimensions of this document and at the same time to demonstrate its repercussion in the Brazilian reality will be the intention of this communication.


transporte de resíduos brasil resíduos industriais transport basel’s convention brazil hazard waste trade convenção de basiléia comércio

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