The 61S0-63P0 transition in thallium isotope ion 204Tl+: A superior atomic clock


Experimental and theoretical studies of the forbidden J = 0 → J′ = 0 optical transition 61S0-63P0 in the odd Hg isotopes are in the literature. From this work natural width and quadratic Zeeman effect have been estimated for the same line in the isoelectronic, even thallium ion 204Tl+, which has a very small nuclear magnetic moment. For the mF = 0 → 0 component a linewidth of <0.01 Hz and a quadratic Zeeman shift <10-18 at 0.1 Gauss are found, compared to 1 Hz and ≈10-8 for the hydrogen maser. Electronic quadrupole moments vanish for both J and J′ states and with them shifts due to electric field gradients. All shifts are orders of magnitude smaller than for Hg+ and Ba+, which have been studied as atomic clock elements.

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