Text not informed by the author / Efeito de áudio em 3D na compreensibilidade de uma entre duas mensagens simultâneas em língua estrangeira: aplicação em grupos de controladores de tráfego aéreo experientes e novatos




This study aimed to verify whether the dichotic or spatialized (3D audio system) presentation of two simultaneous sentences in English facilitate the identification of a target information comparing to dihotic (nonspatialized) presentation. The subjects in this study were air traffic controllers having as L1 (mother tongue) Brazilian Portuguese, and were divided into two groups (novice and experienced), according to their period of experience on the job. The spatialization of messages improved recognition of the target message by the volunteers. There were no significant differences between volunteers with different levels of knowledge in English, professional experience or gender.


monotic and dycotic listenihg auditory acuity speech percetion audição monódica e dicótica percepção da fala controladores aeroviários air traffic controllers acuidade auditiva

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