Teste Goodenough-Harris e indicadores maturacionais de Koppitz para o desenho da figura humana: estudo normativo para crianças de São Paulo / Goodenough-Harris Test and Koppitz Maturity Indicators for The Human Drawing Figure: Normative Study for children of São Paulo




The purpose of this work was to establish norms for the Human Figure Drawing, specifically for the Man’s Drawing, evaluated by Goodenough-Harris Test (1963) and by the Koppitz Maturity Indicators (1973), as well to get data relating to reliability and validity. The sample was composed by 1540 children, from 5 to 11½ years old, both sexes and school type and it was designed to be a representative sample of students from São Paulo city. Variables aspects age, sex and school type was controlled, this last one as a socioeconomic level indication. Children were assessed individually, and it was asked to Draw a Man and then was applied the R-2 Test. It was performed a Variance Analysis, considering as variables age, sex and school type. It was found that age levels with six months range did not discriminate groups. Another Variance Analysis indicated that age groups with one year range could discriminate age groups and the means scores increased with age in both assessment systems. For Goodenough-Harris system it was found sex differences only in preschool children, but it was not found school type differences, showing that drawing is more associated to maturational factors than environmental factors. Norms were presented in percentiles scores by age, and separated by sex only for 5 and 6 years old. Similar results were found in Koppitz assessment and norms are presented by age and separated by sex only for 5, 6 and 7 years old children. Correlations coefficients between two assessment systems of Man Drawing scores and the R-2 Test for global sample were significant (r= 0,575 to Koppitz and r= 0,606 to Goodenoough-Harris). Correlations between two assessment systems of drawing were high and significant (0,899). Reliability retest coefficients were satisfactory (r= 0,808 to Goodenough-Harris and 0,708 to Koppitz to global sample). The Split-Half reliability to total sample was 0,923 to Goodenough-Harris and 0,857 to Koppitz. It was calculated passing items frequencies and point-biserial correlations for age and for total sample in both systems. Results were compared with researches of Harris (1963), Alves (1979), Koppitz (1973), Hutz &Antoniazzi (1995) and Sarti (1999). It was concluded that both scores systems of Man’s Drawing were adequate to cognitive assessment of São Paulo city children and can be used to screening and psychological diagnostic.


desenho de figuras humanas teste de goodenough-harris avaliação psicológica koppitz maturity indicators human figure drawing indicadores maturacionais de koppitz goodenough-harris draw a person test psychological assessment

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