Environmental legislation tutelage the ecologically balanced environment as an extension of the right to life, disciplining action of fiscalization and, when it evidences threat or the occurrence of ambient damage litigates the infractor and, among other measures, gives the subject the opportunity to adjust their conduct to legal precepts through the instrument Conduct Adjustment Term (CAT). The CAT is a form of agreement that directly seeks the commitment of repair of the caused damage and indirectly aims to change subjects behavior in relation to the natural environment. Searches through individual and collective commitment, that human activities are developed with the necessary care to the environment around, i.e., among other values, seek ethical, citizens and solidary human attitudes. Thus, this study aims to know the elements that have favored the learning of citizens litigated for ambient damage, from the accomplishment of the measures of the CAT. Developed in the search line of non-formal education, one is based in a social-legal conception, with reflections focused in ethical principles that guide the constitutional care of natural environment as extensive of the right to life, not only for today, but also for tomorrow. The theoretical framework has input on Ost (1995), Rodrigues (2006) and Milarés (2000) concepts and, in special, the diversity of ideas of Edgar Morins (2005a; 2005b; 2005c; 2003; 2000) complexitys epistemology with development of reflections that emphasize the human being as a multiple being, citizen of rights and duties of a given context, that transforms and is transformed in countless interactions of daily life and as a being which has the potential to create opportunities of environmental care around it. Hence, a qualitative research of the type: exploratory descriptive, with semi-structured interviews, was carried out, with simple observations of subjects who underwent the CATs measures, in the rural area of the municipalities of Cerro Grande do Sul, Chuvisca and Sertão Santana. From Moraess (2006) textual analysis of CAT as a pedagogical strategy, two great categories had emerged: a) the elements that favor a learning to the compromisers of the CAT with sub categories: the understanding of limits as a sympathetic view, the understanding of limits as a solidary vision; the recognition of the error as error; the understanding of necessity of care with the natural environment as a value; the awareness about the importance of preventive action and; b) the gaps and limitation difficulties of a learning with the sub categories: the lack of solidary vision in relation to the environment; cultural influences; the economic issue which includes the difficulty of survival and the difficulty to carry out the measures of the CAT; the ignorance of legislation, lack of information; the fragmentation of knowledge; the lack of understanding of the importance of measures of the CAT. In this context, I relate the interdependence of the social systems, emphasizing the importance of Environmental Education in this legal process, for the construction of social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities dedicated to the conservation of the environment and its sustainability, which propitiates to the subjects litigated for ambient damage to glimpse new ways to be, to do, to commit themselves, to realize the importance of its action in the social context, since become conscious of care with the natural environment is valuing human life, as they are linked, woven together.


direito citizenship ética cidadania environmental education ethics law complexidade educação ambiental educacao complexity

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