Teoria geral das relações e situações jurídicas de proteção previdenciária social: uma análise escisionista




ABSTRACT One is about MSc dissertation whose target is the study of the relations and social security legal situations of protection. One initiates with synthetic study of the general theory of the relations and legal situations, to the end to inside fit the understanding of the social security legal phenomena. The Escisionista Theory is used in the defense of the unilateralism and autonomy of the protection in phase of the assesment. All the phases of the protection are study of theoretical and pragmatic form, using itself, in the understanding of the legal justinian codes, of comparative and national doctrine, as well as of the positive law and the jurisprudences of diverse Brazilian and foreingnes courts. To the end objective conclusion concerning the treated subjects is presented, with the main target to deny the connection of main the legal relationships of social security protection and expenditure of the Brazilian system of Social Security.


direito previdenciário seguridade social previdência social direitos especiais

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