Técnicas de workflow e planejamento apoiado em inteligência artificial aplicadas ao ensino a distância




Web-based distance learning distance is a research and development area in large expansion. The benefits of this type of education include platform and classroom independence. Moreover, a course proposed inside this context can be used to reach a large amount of students, contributing for the knowledge democratization. The building of courses targeted to distance learning can be divided into three steps: Conception, planning and execution. In the conception step a study is carried out to verify the viability of a course. Target public and cost are some of the elements that are taken into account in this phase. Once checked the viability of a course the next step consists of planning the course activities and establishing the resources required for their fulfillment. The final step is related to the execution of the activities designed in the planning phase. Most of the time each one of those steps is realized manually and this process requires a reasonable time for their accomplishment. In this work we describe how to integrate Workflow and Artificial intelligence Planning techniques in the development of a distance education environment, which automates the steps of planning and executing distance learning courses. Conditional planning is used in the process of creating a plan that represents the activities required for the creation of a course. Conditional planning is also used in the building of instructional plans customized to a student profile. The plan or model, after its creation, can be passed on to a Workflow engine, which is responsible for carrying out the activities.


workflow ensino auxiliado por computador ensino a distância ciencia da computacao ensino gerenciado por computador planejamento condicoinal - ia planejamento instrucional

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