TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FOR THE INSTALATION OF NA FOOD IRRADIATOR IN THE RIBEIRA VALLEY / Gestão tecnológica para instalação de um irradiador de alimentos no Vale do Ribeira




This thesis presents a research focused on technology management applied to technical and economic viability study for the installation of a multipropose irradiator in Vale do Ribeira. First, the work presents the regional characteristics that shows Vale do Ribeira as the less economically developed region of Sao Paulo state. On the other side, it shows the emergence of irradiation techniques applied to the food industry, with accepted and recommended results by international authorities. Technology management, from the conceptual basis here presented, links regional environment reality to available technical knowledge, in search of regional development. The methodology was composed by the use of bibliographical, qualitative and quantitative research, and the analysis was supported by the use of statistical techniques and economic viability analysis. The present research concludes that there is technical and economic viability of the venture here analyzed, although it should be recommended more studies about banana irradiation and about brazilian consumer acceptance to irradiated food products.


bana viabilidade técnica e econômica vale do ribeira banana irradiação de alimentos viabilidade técnica e econômica vale do ribeira irradiação de alimentos gestão tecnológica gestão tecnológica

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