Teacher education and school violence / Formação de professores e violência nas escolas




This paper portrays an intervention research, the focus of which was school violence and teacher education. Such research is justifiable due to the manifestation of school violence, complaints coming from teachers about the lack of qualification to deal with the phenomenon, and their request to become qualified so they are able to face said problem at school. The explanations about violence, that are focused on individuals and their families, give rise to the inquiry about the possible contributions educational psychology is able to provide, as an intervention and study area, so teachers may overcome the concept they already have, for upon maintaining such concept they run the risk of basing themselves on student-restricted actions, very too often grounded on common sense, when planning educational activities that aim at confronting violence. Dialectical and historical materialism, culturalhistorical psychology, and historical-critical pedagogy were the theoretical foundations for this paper. Its purpose was to understand that changes in the set of meanings and significances teachers hold in respect to violence may be mediated by a continuing education process. By monitoring a group of teachers under continuing education, possibilities for transforming teachers awareness were sought, mediated by changes in meanings and significances regarding school violence. The procedures used to produce data were: a socio-demographic mapping questionnaire, a collective interview, and observing participants during the group formation process. As a result, it was noticed that the participants expressed opinions in which they attempted to articulate their educational practices with the theoretical matters regarding violence, broadening the concept of violence, since initially they only pointed out the physical violence deriving from family and community members but did not mention the possibility of violence deriving from school itself. Violence was understood as a synonym for criminal acts and domestic violence. At a certain point, the participants included intolerance and bias and, finally, the phenomenon is recognized in school relationships and they identified that teachers also make use of, and experience, violence in their activities. When future teachers begin their education, they are emotionally touched to help the children with whom they will work. While the concept of violence was being discussed in group, the participants started to partially give new meanings to their needs and reasons to act against violence. Upon noticing that the theme on violence can be included in their pedagogical activities, they began reporting what they can do (a feeling of empowerment), opposing their own feelings of powerlessness mainly expressed at the beginning of their education. The abovementioned elements indicate the importance of educational processes in constructing/reconstructing meanings and significances referring to school violence. The outcome of such educational intervention process, in order to go up against violence, will depend on historical circumstances that enable teachers to have access to new knowledge about school violence and to collectively reflect on how to intervene. It was observed that teachers are under a process of reflection about the importance of the teachers role in the process of making children and adolescents sociable, thus contributing to the education of historical individuals that will be able to more critically take part in the society in which they live, including taking measures that aim at prevailing over violence in social relationships


psicologia educacional educational psychology teacher education formação de professores professores -- formacao profissional violência nas escolas - intervenção educativa psicologia educacional violencia na escola school violence

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