Tafolara Neógena da Formação Pindamonhangaba, bacia de taubaté, em Jacareí, estado de São Paulo Brasil. / Tafolara Neógena Training Pindamonhangaba bowl taubaté in Jacarei, São Paulo Brazil.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents a paleobotanical analysis of a Neogene taphoflora of the Pindamonhangaba Formation, localized in the City of Jacareí (SP), based on the morphographic, taxonomic and taphonomic aspects looking for information on paleoenvironment, paleoclimate and paleophytogeographic conditions under which the original flora was submitted. The taphofloristic material studied, preserved as impression (part and counterpart), in a silt-argillaceous, whitish to rosy kaolin massive matrix, consists of entire and broken leaves. The floristic elements had been taxonomically identified in 12 distinct forms, grouped in 11 genera, assembled in nine families: Equisetaceae Rice, 1803; Myrtaceae Jussieu, 1789; Melastomataceae Jussieu, 1789; Sapindaceae Jussieu, 1789; Anacardiaceae R. Brown, 1818; Sapotaceae Jussieu, 1789; Symplocaceae Desfontaines, 1820; Styracaceae DC. &Spreng, 1821; Rubiaceae Jussieu, 1789 and two morphogenera Incertae sedis. One new genus and species are erected. Considering the ecology of the similar livingm species with affinities to these fossil forms, considering also the morphoadaptative foliar features of these forms (as predominance of serrate margin, coriaceous and rounded apex leaves); the distribution of the similar extant forms in Brazilian biomes and the presence of bands of these biomes, in the Vale do Paraíba today, it is possible to conclude that the Jacareí taphoflora registers: a vegetation of drier and perhaps colder climate than the present one, with bands (elongated according to axis of the valley) of marshy areas, ciliary or riparian bushes, cerrado or savannah andn caatinga, in the lower areas of the valley, and submontana season semi-deciduous forest on its flanks, very similar to the extant plant formations, already there present since Neomio-Eopliocene. This is the possible age for these layers, on the basis of some few floristic and paleoclimatic evidences.


paleobotânica cenofítica tafoflora neógena formação pindamonhangaba bacia de taubaté estado de são paulo brasil. neogene taphoflora cenophytic paleobotany pindamonhangaba formation taubaté formação são paulo state brazil. geologia ambiental

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