Syntactical and semantical consequences of possessive relations in Spanish and in non-native production of Brazilians / Conseqüências sintáticas e semânticas das relações de possessão em espanhol e na produção não nativa de brasileiros




This study consists of a comparison among three linguistic samples: the non-native Spanish of adult Brazilian students, the native Spanish of Montevidean informants (considered as target language), and Brazilian Portuguese (the mother language). All informants received a test situation shown in the comics form, with no written text, so semantic content was the same and lexical influences were avoided. The test situation, in Spanish, requires the usage of structures with dative clitics, which express possessive relations. Its realization and the realization of other structures constitute the linguistic variables, from which diferent projections are examined. The theoretical references and the model of syntatic analysis proposed by Fernández e Anula (1995), compatible with some theories with more explicatory power in the field of linguistics and language acquisition, contributed significantly because of the attention devoted to Spanish language phenomena. Results show idiosyncratic structures in non-native Spanish, responding to regular syntactic patterns, most of which habilitated by the mother tongues system. The data statistical analysis quantifies variables and shows distances between the non-native Spanish and the native Spanish, and between the former and the mother language.


língua materna espanhol não nativo língua meta dative clitics syntactic patterns clíticos dativos mother language non-native spanish padrões sintáticos target language

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