Suplementação materna com óleo de peixe e efeitos cardiovasculares na prole adulta de ratos submetidos à restrição protéica perinatal / Maternal fish oil supplementation and cardiovascular effects uppon adult rat offspring subjected to perinatal protein restriction




Female Wistar rats fed in gestation and first 10 lactation days with normal protein diet (19 g protein/kg diet) (NP group) or low-protein diet (5g protein/kg diet) (LP group), also received daily fish oil supplement (Fo, n-3 PUFA rich) during same period. Offspring put in groups NP, NP-Fo, LP, LP-Fo, until sacrifice at 6-mo-old when hearts removed, prepared for light microscopy and stereology. There was mild hypertension in both LP genders from 3- until 6 mo-old. Blood pressure affected by undernutrition was minimized by maternal Fo supplementation. In body index between groups there was no significant difference with maternal Fo supplementation. The left ventricle was thicker in both genders of LP groups compared to counterpart NP groups (+25% in male LP group, P=0.01, +22% in female LP group, P=0.001); however, less thick in LP-Fo groups compared to LP groups (-23% in male LP-Fo group, P=0.001, - 12% in female LP-Fo group, P=0.02). Male LP group offspring had significantly smaller intramyocardial microcirculation than NP group (-50%, P=0.01), while male LP-Fo group had 89% higher microcirculation than LP group (P=0.004). Both gender LP group offspring had significantly higher interstitial fibrosis compared with NP groups. The maternal Fo supplementation has beneficial effects in LP , but not in NP offspring. In conclusion, our data clearly indicate postnatal hypertension and collateral cardiovascular adverse remodeling, programmed by low-protein diet in utero and lactation was prevented by perinatal supplementation with fish oil, n-3 PUFA rich, providing a viable non-pharmacologic option for preventing and/or reducing adverse programming outcomes in human.


prole adulta perinatal protein restriction adult offspring rato sistema cardiovascular biologia geral restrição protéica perinatal fish oil rat efeitos cardiovasculares óleo de peixe restrição proteica materna cardiovascular effects

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