Study of the sensitivity of the parameters of sizing of one submitted railway to the vertical deformations / Estudo da sensibilidade dos parametros de dimensionamento de uma via ferrea submetida as deformações verticais




The study of the interaction of the components of the permanent way it is basic for adequate a railroad project, as also it has great importance to create procedures of maintenance of the way based in predictions under a model of adequate performance. For the knowledge of these interactions, for the necessity of a great number of combinations, it is of vital importance the use of a computational model for sizing of its layers, in the case the program FERROVIA 1.0. A critical study of the program was developed FERROVIA 1.0 and its variable had been characterized through values observed in literature. After initial characterization was carried through a comparative study of sensitivity between these variable and the indication of significant behavior or not in the situation of a railway deformed by load of known wheel. For the development of the study a statistical program with the purpose was used to find the correlation of the elements. It is intended, therefore, to launch in the program FERROVIA 1.0 and, later, in statistical program about two a thousand, one hundred and eighty and seven combinations. The data that will be used in these correlations correspond the normal values of the used elements in the practical one of railroad engineering


railway dimension models engenharia ferroviaria ferrovias - deformação ferrovias - projetos e construção sensibility of elements of railway transportes transporte ferroviario ferrovias ferrovia 1.0 correlation

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