Study of genotypes x environments in some productive traits in Nellore cattle / Estudo da interação genótipos x ambientes em algumas características produtivas na raça Nelore




The objective of the present study was to evaluate the genotype x environment interaction effect on weaning weight, post-weaning weight and weight gain post-weaning in Nellore beef cattle herds. There were analyzed 45,697 data of weaning weight adjusted to 205 days (PD), 34,773 data of post-weaning weight adjusted to 550 days (PS) and 34,753 data of weight gain post-weaning (GP), which were collected from three farms localized in southwest and middle-east of Brazil. The variance components were estimated by MTDFREML. Those data were analyzed applying two different methods: the first proceeding was of considering single traits to the data of each farm and also to the data-set originated by pair of farms. The second method was performing the analysis of multiple traits once the same trait was considered as a distinct variable in each pair of farms. Since genetic values were obtained there were calculated the expected breeding values (EPD) of the sires as the Pearson correlations between the EPD values and the traits analyzed. The estimative of heritability coefficients ranged from 0.17 to 0.33, 0.31 to 0.48 and 11 to 0.32 to PD, PS and GP respectively. The genetic correlations varied from 0.82 to 1.00, while the Pearson correlation between the EPDs ranged from 0.96 to 0.99. The results suggest a modest or inexistent genotype x environment interaction effect in the herds evaluated.


beef cattle avaliação genética interação genótipos x ambientes bovinos de corte genotype x environment interaction animal breeding

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