Study of applicable technologies for residential electric energy metering automation in order to minimize losses. / Estudo de tecnologias aplicáveis à automação da medição de energia elétrica residencial visando à minimização de perdas.




In these days, the energy measurement system for residences in urban areas is carried out by eletromechanical meters, which are read manually. Several problems have been observed in this process, which we can emphasize: reading errors, difficulty to access the measurement place, outdated databases, etc. The reading and the measurement automation processes, based in the current eletromechanical meters or with the electronic version of these equipment, besides solving the mentioned problems, have several advantages, such as: minimization of fraud and robbery of energy, implementation of differentiated rates depending on the time of the day (ex:yellow rate), remote energy switch-off and switch-on, implementation of a prepaid system, possibility to get the load curve of each consumer and elimination of error and costs embedded in the manually reading process. On the other hand, we can observe that in Brazil there are an estimated 43 millions residential meters already installed, and the costs for the current measurement system, and also of the meters, are very low. In this scenario, the implementation of a automated system for residential energy measurement is that the proposed system has a very low cost at the same time provides a high reliability. The proposed automation system will consider the reutilization of the current mechanical meters, with the installation of an electronic systems for the consumption data collection, communicating with local concentrators, which in their turn are linked to a computing systems in the energy company. The results of the present work show that, nowadays, there is a real possibility to get, a trustable and cheap automated measurement system for energy in residential urban area. The proposed work is the development of an automated system, for residential energy measurement in urban area. It s composed of a concentrator module for eight residences, with communication from this point to the energy company s operation center. It will be presented a methodology to implement such a system and also a case study.


energia elétrica fraude furto losses tecnologia technologie robery electric energy metering perdas automation medição automação fraud

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