Study abaout the determination of benzene and ammonia in air using quartz piezoeletric sensor. / Estudo sobre a determinação de benzeno e amônia no ar, utlizando sensor piezelétrico de quartzo




The objective of this work was to study, develop and evaluate coatings for detecting benzene and ammonia in atmospheric air, by using a piezoelectric quartz sensor. Nowadays, piezoelectric quartz sensors are very important in Analytical Chemistry due to their numerous aplications (in gaseous fase or in solution). This method is based on the fact that the quartz crystal when placed under an alternated electric field, vibrates with a well known frequency. When a very low mass of substance is deposited on the crystal surface (electrode) a proportional decrease in the vibrational frequency occurs. This coating must have affinity for the substance we wish to detect and quantify. The sorption of the pollutant occurs as it is passes through the crystal. Increased mass leads to decreased vibrational frequency in a proportional way, so it is possible to build an analytical curve and quantify the pollutant in levels of part per million (ppm) and part per billion (ppb). Many substances (individually or mixed) were investigated as possible coatings for detection of benzene and ammonia detection, such as different chromatography viscous stationary phases, glycols, some organic acids, zeolites, transition metal complexes and porphyrins. For benzene detection and quantification at the level of 10 ppm (32 mg m-3), none of the investigated substances presented satisfactory results. For ammonia detection and quantification a mixture of 50 ?L of Glycolic Acid in THEED solution (3:4 w/w) and 25 ?L of Tannic Acid in acetone solution was the most promising one. The optimization of the experimental conditions found 133 ?g as the ideal coating mass to be deposited on the crystal surface. A working flow of ix 80 to 100 mL min-1and a working temperature in the 15ºC to 35ºC range (59ºF to 95ºF) were found to be ideal. In the studied concentration range, the sensor presented linear decrease in frequency. Some possible interfering substances were investigated (CO, CO2, H2S, NO2 and atmospheric air) and only NO2 showed some interference. Although the sensor showed to be irreversible, it is also very sensitive and can therefore be used to detect and quantify ammonia.


sensor piezelétrico de quartzo amônia quartz piezoelectric sensor detection detecção ammonia

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