Structure of the Y Chromosomal Su(ste) Locus in Drosophila Melanogaster and Evidence for Localized Recombination among Repeats


The structure of the Suppressor of Stellate [Su(Ste)] locus on the Drosophila melanogaster Y chromosome was examined by restriction analysis of both native and cloned genomic DNA. The locus consists of short subarrays of tandem repeats separated by members of other moderately repeated families. Both size variants and restriction variants proved to be common. Most repeats fell into two size classes--2.8 and 2.5 kb--but other size variants were also observed. Restriction variants showed a strong tendency to cluster, both at the gross level where some variants were present in only one of three subintervals of the locus, and at the fine level, where repeats from the same phage clone were significantly more similar than repeats from different clones. Restriction variants were shared freely among repeats of different size classes; however, size variants appeared to be randomly distributed among phage clones. These data indicate that recombination among tandem Su(Ste) repeats occurs at much higher frequencies between close neighbors than distant ones. In addition, they suggest that gene conversion rather than sister chromatid exchange may be the primary recombinational mechanism for spreading variation among repeats at the Su(Ste) locus.

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