Strategic make-or-buy decision process: contributions from an exploratory study in the Brazilian chemical industry / Contribuições para o processo decisório estratégico de fazer ou comprar: um estudo exploratório no contexto químico brasileiro




The main theme of this research is the strategic decision making process associated with make-or-buy decisions. Said theme has been developed in the literature with primary focus on automotive and hardware industries, not chemical industry, what leads to the main question of this research: what is the adherence level between the literature and the actual behavior of the chemical industry, when going through this type of strategic decision making process? The literature research development was primarily based on a compilation of different makeor- buy decision models which have been presented by the literature since late eighties. The empirical research development was based on an exploratory qualitative approach, with the aide of multiple case studies techniques on a small sample of two large Brazilian chemical enterprises. The main result indicates a reasonable level of adherence to what the literature has presented so far, however there are other important aspects that should be taken as relevant contributions from the empirical research to the existing make-or-buy decision process models.


decision making marke-or-buy - investments tomada de decisão (administração executiva) chemical industry indústria química - brasil investimentos

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