Sobre o pensamento médico higienista oitocentista e a escolarização: condições de possibilidades para o engendramento do campo da Educação Física no Brasil




After examining the analytical adequacy of considering the physical education field as an object of study, this research calls into question the conditions of possibility that have allowed the production of this field and recognises its parts which stems from the tribute that physical education pays to the Brazilian hygienic-medical thought in the nineteenth century. Since then this homage is seen as biologization of physical education. However, the central proposition is that this tribute must also be acknowledged in the schooling process. In order to demonstrate it, it was necessary to understand the constitution of medical field and the production of medical authority to resolve in that time the fundamental issues as for medicine and hygiene, in especial those related to education and physical education. This task has also involved the detail of the meaning produced and spread ascribed to physical education as well as the analysis of the thematic questions which have given it unity in the schooling process. Finally one has mapped the repercussion of these meanings in school sphere of this period and elaborated a brief evaluative summary of the way as these hygienic-medical theses have legitimated themselves, spread and changed at the end of nineteenth century.


saude pública  medicina educação teses educação fisica  estudo e ensino 

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