Situação de trabalho na escola e construção de conhecimentos




The present study arises problem to the school social space, under the appraisal of the activities diversities developed on it anchored on the interdependence of functions. In this sense we have sought to analyse the work situation at school as a knowledge building process without exclusiveness for the class regent teacher in the classroom. The analysis of the workers activities has been oriented by the ergological approach. In this, we detach our knowledges building, the rework of the antecedent norms by their protagonists. Under this approach prism, the rework of norms conveys the human being enigma in its criative capacity, by which it doesn t stop to transform his world in microscope scale. The empirical field for the present study was the Municipal School Professor Affonso Varzea located at the Rio de Janeiro city. We have used as source for the workers activities analysis the observation through the diary field report, photos, movie sections, collective discussions and also as source, the workers testimonies


conhecimento convenção coletiva de trabalho educação trabalho

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