Sistemas de organização e representação do conhecimento: uma reflexão sobre o uso do código de classificação de documentos de arquivo da Fiocruz


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of the present work is to analyse the Fiocruz document classification code in archive (CCDA-Fiocruz) as an instrument of organization and as a representation of archival information in a public health foundation. Presents Fiocruz institutional environment in the context of history, mission, functions and in the setting National Archives National Policy. The analyses CCDA-Fiocruz are developed by an exploratory qualitative approach through the colletion of bibliographic and empirical data. Searches theoretical contributions of Classification Theory principles, document management, and archival classificatory principles classification. Investigates about characteristics of use and training of CCDA-Fiocruz. Finally points out the demands for changes in the CCDA-Fiocruz aiming to improve Its performnce acording to Oswaldo Cruz Foundation users demands


código de classificação representação da informação classificação ciencia da informacao information representation classification classification code

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