Sintomas musculo-esqueleticos relacionados ao trabalho em cirurgiões-dentistas




The purpose ofthe present research was to contribute for the knowledge ofmusculoskeletal disorders in Brazilian dentists, represented by a sample. That s why; we intended to identify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms to the dentist work, as well as bis corporallocation, quality oflife aspects and odontological tasks perceived as stressfull. 165 dentists that work at the Municipal Prefecture of a São Paulo city participated in the research. The people that accepted to take a part of this research signed an informed consent letter. A four-section self-applied questionnaire was used and was composed by general and occupational datas, musuloskeletal symptoms, quality of life and odontological tasks perceived as stressfull. It was composed by one General and Occupational Data, one adaptation of the general part of Nordic Questionnaire, the generic questionnaire for evaluation of quality of life (SF-36) and the RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion) Borg s scale. A descriptive analysis of the variables that composed the four sections was made. Using the data obtained with the Nordic Questionnaire the subjects were divided in two groups: the ones that reported having pain in the Iast 12 months and the ones that report no symptoms in the body parts represented in the instrumento Neck, hands and wrists, back, thoracic and shoulders were the body parts that were most referred by the subjects. For each of these parts, subjects were divided in two groups and compared in reIation to the presence or absence of musculoskeletal symptoms in that part of the body. The Q-square test or Exact Fisher test was applied to the categorical variables, Mann- Whitney test was applied to the continuous variables and the Multivarieted Logistic Regression was used to identify the risk factors contained in the General and Occupational questionnaire that were associated with musculoskeletal pain. First, it was made an analysis independent1y of the body parts. Then, it was made an ana1ysis specifying the body parts. 5% Statistic significance was used. 92,7% referred some kind of musculoskeletal symptoms in the last 12 months. The most affected body parts were: neck (67,3%), wrists and hands (63,0%), back (62,4%), thoracic (61,2%) and shoulders (58,8%). It was found tOOt female is a risk factor for the reference of osteomuscular pain independently of the body part (p=0,00005) , and specifically for the cervical region (p=O,0078), thoracic (p=O,04) e wrists and hands p=O,0006). It was found also that the less the subject has been working as a dentist the greater the risk of occurring musculoskeletal symptoms (OR=O,9, p=O,03), although the results concerning sex and time working as a dentist may have been influenced by a sample selection bias. Physica1 activity", in relation to wrists and hands (p=O,04) and receiving help from an assistant", in relation to wrists and hands (p=O,OI) and to thoracic (P=O,003), appeared to protect from the symptoms. The dentists that referred osteomuscular pain presented, in the SF-36, negatively affected scores in the following domains: pain, general hea1th, vitality, social aspects and mental hea1th when compared to the normal population of São Paulo City. "Trunk and neck bented at the same time for direct view and other procedures" movement and "Surgery" operatory act were the work elements perceived as the most stressfull The resu1ts of the present study confirmed the severity of the dentists problems and indicated the necessity of more ergonomical researches in this area, because factors like psychosocial an environmental aspects and odontological work system may be influencing in the development of musculoskeletal symptoms in the dentists


ergonomia doenças profissionais

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