Shiva abandona seu trono: destradicionalização da dança Hindu e sua difusão no Brasil / Shiva abandons his throne - The Detraditionalization of Hindu Dance and its diffusion in Brazil




Hindu Dance one of the most popular artistic forms of India, has received universal acclamation including in Brazil as one of the subtlest expressions of Hinduism. Its intimate connection with the temple, as a ritualistic art, mirroring the imperceptible feelings of devadasis the dancing girls, reflects he inwardness of Hindu culture. This dance is performed according to the most delicate nuances of a musical piece, or a poem, through the vehicle of a body, reflecting the principles laid down by the Natya Shastra treatise. Through some of the pioneer performing artists and a few dedicated visionaries at the beginning of the XX century, the Hindu dance gained unprecedented popularity and initiated its process of detraditionalization. Accompanying the historical processes of modernization and secularization of India the Hindu dance initially did its passage from temple to theater; e then to the other religions in India and consequently to the west and finally to Brazil. In this research the process of detraditionalization as been organized in three parts. In the first part, some questions have been raised with regard to the changes that the dance would face during the process of detraditinalization and also has shown panoramic view of the dance in Brazil. The second part establishes approximation of the Hindu dance with the empirical analyses of the detraditionalization process from the temple until its arrival to the west. In the third part, we treat the modifications suffered by the art as well as the changes occurred in the lives of the dancers. The conclusion deals with the possible contribution this process has given to the society as general and the Sciences of Religion in particular


ritual dança hindu tradition ritual cultura hinduismo -- rituais teologia danca -- aspectos religiosos -- hinduismo identity tradição mudança danca -- india religion religião identidade hindu dance culture change

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