"Sexuality of couples that lived the breast cancer" / "Sexualidade de casais que vivenciaram o câncer de mama"




This is a qualitative study that had as objective knows close to couples as the sexual practice is exercised after the woman to have had the breast cancer, being used as theoretical reference the gender relationships and, as methodology, the Grounded Theory. Through interviews with nine couples, in that the woman had had a breast cancer diagnosis, we obtained the data that allowed us the creation of two diagrams after analysis; 1 - the mamma after the cancer: a glance - organ that was affected for the surgery, independent of having happened the mastectomy and that it was far away from the caresses in the sexual action. 2 - the exercise of the spouses sexuality - in the men the sexual desire didn t decrease for the wife s disease, but the sexual relationships, yes, in the woman s reason not to be disposed for the action, mainly in the chemotherapy period. The gender relationships were present in uncoiling of each phase of the disease and of the treatment, and the sexual papers stayed inside of the patterns of our culture. The masculine disinformation was larger than the feminine, but the couples used some form to face it. The data allowed to verify that many myths, as the woman s abandonment for the man, the woman s nakedness, the finishing of the sexual life, does not happen if the couple has already accomplished a life construction for two.


relações de gênero enfermagem sexo no casamento câncer de mama nursing gender relationships breast cancer sex in the marriage

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