Sex and adolescence in the beginning of the new millennium: discourses about sexuality in Capricho magazine / Sexo e adolescência no início do novo milênio: discursos sobre sexualidade na revista Capricho




This dissertation aims at exploring as well as describing the strategies adopted by the media concerning the theme sexuality in adolescence found in the section Sexo in the CAPRICHO magazine. Our main concern is to identify the key to the linguistic aspects found in its corpus. Furthermore, we shall observe the Reported Speech as a linguistic category mostly found in the section Sexo in CAPRICHO magazine. In analyzing the utterances in Reported Speech, we seek to identify the voices that lie behind the discourse from the specialists and other sources.


sexualidade adolescence linguistica adolescentes postmodernity in the 21st century revista capricho reported speech discurso relatado capricho magazine linguistica pós-modernidade no século xxi adolescência educação sexual para a juventude sexuality sexo (psicologia)

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