Ser baiano na medida do Recôncavo: o jornalismo regional como elemento formador de identidade




The journalistic discourse establishes and maintains a direct relationship with several processes and mechanisms which delimit the questions connected to the formation of cultural identity. This is reflected in a more specific way - since it is closer and more intense - in relationship to what is transmitted through the regional press, such as the region of the Reconcavo ( a very fertile region in the coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil), where the first press rooms of printed publications outside the state capital where installed, as early as in the nineteenth century. Such relationships occur not only by means of the specificities of the journalistic narrative, which shape its institutional nature and the very discourse strategy in its relations with power, but, in addition, in the attribution of meanings and in the reformulation of what is real. In order toevaluate this question in greater depth it is necessary to utilize a theoretical thinking built in the field of discourse analysis and of the development of references for the cultural identity. The objective, in this sense, is to apprehend this Reconcavo way of being bahian. This discourse proposes, shapes, configures and reinforces the cultural identities which strive to determine how the native of this region can and should be. Establishing, thus, a horizon which tries to measure the recurrent influences, starting from a given social context and appraising how this process took place, as well, considering the characteristics of a local journalism - or, eventually, a communitary journalism - in its effective importance towards the construction and legitimation of social representations, values and images, and also, the learnings and doings of its particular culture.


culture comunicacao regional press reconcavo journalism recôncavo cultura identity jornalismo identidade imprensa regional

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