Sequencing and genome annotation of the party of Xylella fastidiosa / Seqüenciamento e anotações de parte do genoma de Xylella fastidiosa




The São Paulos citriculture can be considered one of the most competitive and important agroindustrial activity from Brazil. It provides aproximately 400,000 jobs and adds US$ 1,4000,000,000 for the countrys economy. This activity, however, still shows less productivity than the one from Florida, mainly due to nutritional and hydric deficiencies and plagues that are already present for a long time. In the last ten years, the citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), also known as little yellow disease, constitutes the main problem for the orange farmers. This disease is caused by gram-negative bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. Due to the importance of the orange cultive in the country, the project called Xylella fastidiosas Genome was proposed. The main goals of this project are to sequence the entire genome of this phytopathogen and the trainning of specialized people in the use of modern techniques of molecular biology. DNA fragments cloned in 7 cosrnids and also form genomic shotgun libraries were sequenced in our laboratory. A total of 271,220 bp of bacteria genome were obtained. The next step was the annotation of the open reading frames (ORFs). This was made using the GLIMMER computer program which generates, in our laboratory, aproximately 290 ORFs. Direct sequencing of the genome and clones of RDA libraries were also done for obtaining nucleotide sequences form gaps. These methodologies complement the primer walking and phage library construction used by other laboratories included in the project. All results, obtained either by our laboratory or the other groups from the project, will be used for a better understanding of the mechanisms used by the bacteria, Altogether, they can be favor the development of new strategies in the plague combact.


dados de seqüência molecular biologia molecular xylella fastidiosa sequencing xylella fastilidiosa genomes molecular biology genomas sequenciamento

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