Segmental, lexical, syllabic, intra-syllabic and inter-syllabic patterns in brazilian portuguese speaking children / Padrões segmentais, lexicais, silábicos, intrasilábicos e inter-silábicos em crianças falantes de pb.




This work is based, essentially, in the Frames/Content theory, proposed by Peter MacNeilage and Barbara Davis. The main objective is to verify the frequency of the segmental, lexical, syllabics, intra-syllabics and inter-syllabics patterns in Brazilian Portuguese infants speakers. The corpus is formed by two children with age between 1;0 and 3;0. To analyze the data, softwares were especially developed for this research. As result, it was verified that dissilables are the preferred ones of the children; coronal consonants are most frequent, followed for the labiais and the dorsal ones; central vowels are most recurrent in infant speak, still that the front ones are most frequent in the speaking and writing adult language; the more frequent syllabic standard is the CV, followed for the V; Intra-syllabicly, the Coronal Consonant + Front Vowel and Labial Consonant + Central Vowel are recurrent; e Intra-syllabicly, in the first year of collection, the reduplicatives patterns Coronal + Coronal, followed by the Labial + Labial and Dorsal + Dorsal are more frequent than the variegates ones. This work is relevant therefore could contribute for the constitution of a picture of the Brazilian Portuguese structures using statistical and computer aided measures and procedures.


linguagem infantil syllabic patterns molde/conteúdo, padrões silábicos brazilian portuguese phonology child language fonologia frame-content linguistica aplicada português brasileiro

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