Se der a gente brinca : crenças de professores sobre ludicidade e atividades lúdicas.




This study analyzes the beliefs of four kindergarteners of the fundamerital public teaching from Salvador City (State of Bahia) in the year of 2004 on the playjluness and related activities. It has the qualitative research as methodological option and the observation,interview and (selt)-biography as investigative tools. The basic point which guided this work was: what beliefs teachers have elaborated on the playjluness and related manifestations? Before the understanding that such beliefs are a part of a system, which organizes itself in rder to support and justify the other ones, it was also necessary to analyze some of the onvictions about education, school, students and teachers work in an effort to understand here such convictions on the playfluness and related activities are based on. Still about the eliefs, it was chosen to use the expressions "convictions" and "certainty" with the same eaning, before its intense credence, even without a more systematical knowledge of the subject who believes". The concept of playfluness, which is a basis for this work, has its foundations on the studies of Cipriano Luckesi, who comprehends it as the living of an complete experience. In relation to the activities related to the playfluness, it was aimed to perceive under what perspectives games and plays were found in the pedagogical process.From the analysis of the systematical convictions, it was concluded that it is important to know and perform a work in relation to the teachers beliefs, if we want the dialogue, joy, pleasure, the wholeness, spontaneity and the elaboration of meaningful ties overpass the educational process. It was also observed that the incoiporation of the playfluness element in he school requires the dealing with several convictions about the school foundation, the role layed by the teachers and students, which somehow justifies the resistance of such professionals to a work based on the playfluness. Before this resistance, the role of playflunes and related activities is downplayed, and when these aspects are found in the process, they mpose a reinforcement and assessment of contents character. The fact that the researched chool focuses on the graduation of popular children is also an aspect that from the teacher? onvictions limits or undermines a living based on playfluness in the educational space. In the tacher s beliefs study, this work contributes for it adding three features related to the onvictions: the personal and professional aspects interrelation, its generalization feature and ts influence on the creation of stereotype.


playfulness educacao playfluness-related activities crenças atividades lúdicas ludicidade belief

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